“What Lies Within” is a poem about reaching deep inside yourself and not keeping it to yourself. It’s about showing up and sharing yourself with others.


Inside the soul there is no limit to what we are feeling,

And yet the cracks won’t stop from sealing.

So how do we empathize for others

If there are so many covers

For what lies within?


For who may appear to be your greatest fear

Might as well potentially be a kind peer,

But how would you know if you didn’t even whisper into their ear?


Reach out with no fear.

Touch the untouched.

You may lift a spirit.

You may not.


But what is the purpose in life

If we hide and expect to be seen?

I’m not asking that you reach to the stars.

I’m asking that you be who you are.


Let this begin,

The time when the broken grin.

The time when the losers win.

This is far from sin.

This is what lies within.